Saturday, November 17, 2007

On the Move!

I don't give myself credit for being a fighter but I feel like I'm fighting my way back to me...

I got away from me for a while...

It was a gradual thing...

I looked up one day and the end result I want seemed farther out of reach.

Knowing that I am always moving forward, I asked myself what happened.

I had stopped looking at my map...

So, I reminded myself of what I want the end result to be, picked up my map and plotted my next steps.

I'm on the move again!

Got my map in hand.

Got determination, motivation and confidence in my tank.

And I can see the road signs pointing the way...


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Moving Forward

I’m moving forward again…

I forced myself to use my PDA again…

Then I forced myself to enter my “goddados” with an alarm to remind me if necessary…

I still don’t always do them… but it keeps them in the forefront of my mind…

Every time I get overwhelmed with what lies ahead, I tell myself just take care of the things on my list because every time I complete one of those things, I have moved one step closer to what I say I want the end result to be.

So now I’m back to my 3 day plan and every day I’m seeing progress…

Hell, I’m actually writing this and to me this is a huge accomplishment…

That’s what I want in the present… to feel a sense of accomplishment… to feel that even if my desired end result seems so far off in the distance that I can’t even imagine it, I know that at day’s end I have made at least one step closer to it.